Reign of Blood Episode 6 - Side Bar: A Review of the Sources


This is the first side bar episode, and the goal for these is exactly what the name suggests: to pull out of the main narrative so we can focus on one very important aspect of the story. For this first sidebar, we’re going to dig into the source material we have for the Conquest. In History, sources are everything, and they come in many forms. There are primary sources, of course, accounts of people who witnessed events. There’s also archeology, of which there has been an abundance in recent decades. And there’s the body of scholarship including complete historical narratives in English as old as 175 years and as recent as 2023. We’ll cover all the source materials that fall into each of these categories, including all the important books in publication today.


Reign of Blood Episode 7: The Calm Before the Storm


Reign of Blood Episode 5: The Spanish Opening - Part 2